Many people do not consider getting insurance coverage for a home that is vacant. If it is not occupied, why would it need to be insured? And many insurance companies standard plans will not cover events that may happen in a house that is unoccupied for certain periods of time.
There are good reasons to have the property insured at all times. Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL deals with this type of situation and can help you choose the right insurance.
Providing financial protection from loss, theft or damage of a home that is uninhabited is what unoccupied property insurance deals with. A standard homeowners insurance policy won’t cover things like vandalism, fires, damages or other types of claims on a vacant property that has not been occupied. Leaving your home for even a few months and something like your home being vandalized, vacant home insurance is what would be needed for coverage because standard homeowners policy doesn’t cover this.
Unoccupied or vacant property insurance can be purchased as an add on to existing homeowner policies or it can be purchased separately. If it is purchased as a standalone, it is possible to eliminate the cost of a regular homeowner policy. An add on will potentially increase the cost of an existing standard policy.
The reason that standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover unoccupied and vacant homes is that a greater insurance risk comes with an occupied home. Reasons can include greater chances of theft and vandalism in addition to an emergency response being slower since no life-threatening dangers exist when no one is there and the fire will be reported slower. These increase costs for insurance agencies that aren’t covered under a standard policy.
If you have a vacant home in need of insurance, Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL can help you with different options to suit your needs.